Overview of our Fees and Procedures

Registration Fees

There is a $35.00 non-refundable registration fee per student. The registration fee will be posted in your parent portal to submit this payment. Please note that the registration fee will be processed through the studio (if not submitted at time of online or in-person registration) within 7-14 days after registration is completed your form of payment entered into your portal.

Monthly Fee Payments

We require that payment arrangements be made at registration for the entire dance year. If a dancer wishes to withdraw, it is your responsibility to notify the office in writing or by email. Changes regarding classes must also be done in writing or by email. Any withdrawals or changes must be done 7 business days prior to the end of the month or the upcoming month's payment will be processed and is non-refundable. We do not send monthly statements. Monthly class fee payments go from September 1st, 2024 - June 1st, 2025. No tuition adjustments or credits will be given for missed or canceled classes due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.

EFT and/or CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: All payments (registration fee, monthly class fees, competition fees, costume deposits, final costume payment, exam fees, workshop fee, competition fees, etc) WILL BE PROCESSED THROUGH THE ONLINE PORTAL. We reserve the right to cancel a student's enrollment in a class that they do not have approval from the studio to take.

All payments not received by the due date will be charged a $25.00 administration fee.

All NSF payments will be charged a $25.00 administration fee.

Competition Entry Fees

Recreational students who dance on Saturday who are under the age of six will not be competing. Students of all ages who dance during the week (Monday-Friday) and students above the age of six who dance on Saturdays will be competing. Entry fees are approximately $55.00 to $60.00 per routine. Entry fees will be processed through your Parent Portal account in October. Entry fees are non-refundable. 

Costume Deposit

A costume deposit of $75.00/class for all recreational classes and all competition classes is required for each class your child is registered in. The costume deposits are non- refundable after the costumes have been started/ordered and you will be responsible for the full cost of the completed costume. Competition costumes will be approximately ordered/made any time between the end of September to the end of October. Recreational/recital costumes will typically be ordered late January.

Please note that the costume deposit is only a deposit and the average cost per costume is $70.00-$125.00 for recreational costumes and $75.00-$175.00 for competition costumes. (Ballet tutus for seniors $250.00+).

Syllabus Exam Classes

Exam classes are offered to those students who wish to become accredited in Ballet, Jazz, and Tap. We offer Cecchetti Ballet, Canadian Dance Teachers Association Jazz and Tap. There will be extra charges and requirements in the exam class to cover the exam, pianist, and mandatory workshop fees (costs between $125.00 - $350.00 for the higher-level exams). Exams may be held during school hours. You must be recommended by your exam teacher in order to take your exam and if recommended, you must do your exam at the end of the year. It is not your choice when enrolling in an exam class to opt out of the exam at the end of the year. Ballet exam body suit will be required. These can be purchased at the Dance Box. Brand name is "Energetiks" and the style is "Annabelle". Cost for an exam body suit is approximately $49.00 to $55.00.


Competition Program

Students must be fully committed to their program. Competitions may be during school hours and run from February to May. If a student misses a competition for an unacceptable reason, they will be withdrawn from that group for the remainder of the competition season as dances will have to be re-choreographed. Students will be able to return to perform in the year end recital. Competition fees must be paid in full in order for the student to compete. A studio jacket must be purchased for all competition students. The Preview Show will be held at Terry Fox Theatre, TBA. The Solo/Duo/Trio Preview Show will be held at Terry Fox Theatre, TBA.

REC Competition Program

Students will attend one Competition, TBA and the Year-end Recital held at Michael J Fox Theatre May 30th, May 31st & June 1st.

Recreational Program

Students will attend the Year-end Recital held at Michael J Fox Theatre May 30, May 31st & June 1st.

Withdrawal Policies

There are no refunds for missed classes or classes canceled due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Please let us know if a student will be absent by emailing the studio. Any withdrawals or changes must be done 7 business days prior to the end of the month or the upcoming month's payment will be processed and is non-refundable.

Recreational Program

Your tuition is only refundable 7 days after you submit your registration. If you make changes to your classes and there is a difference in your fees, it will be held as a studio credit.

Competition program

Competition charges are non-refundable. Any last-minute withdrawal affects the entire class. 

Risk and Liability

Assumption of Risk & Waiver of Liability

I hereby waive all claims for injury or loss to person or property during participation in online classes, in studio classes, rehearsals, or any other Rise 21 Dance Company activities, and release, discharge and save harmless promoters, directors, principals, agents, staff members, and instructors from any liability for injury, damage or loss to property whatsoever, which may be caused by any act or omission of these. I give permission for my dancers’ photographs/videos to be used for publicity and advertising in the studio, on the Rise 21 Dance Company website and in the community. Rise 21 reserves the right to cancel or make changes to any program due to insufficient registration.

Dress Code


Please label ALL shoes and clothing. Reminder - no jewelry or gum. 

Recreational Acrobatics: Bodysuit or unitard (any colour), form fitting tank top, bike shorts, footless tights optional, hair must be tied back, barefeet. 

Recreational Ballet: Bodysuit and ballet pink tights, or form fitting white t-shirt and black bike shorts. Hair in a bun secured with hair pins and a hairnet, short hair off face with headband, pins or elastic. Pink ballet shoes for dancers ages 2-up. 

Recreational Contemporary: Bodysuit, jazz pants/leggings/ shorts, hair tied back.

Recreational Jazz: Bodysuit or form fitting tank top, black jazz pants/shorts/leggings or tights (optional), hair tied back, black slip on jazz shoes. 

Recreational Lyrical: Bodysuit or form fitting tank top, jazz pants/shorts/leggings, tights (optional), hair tied back. Beige slip on jazz shoes or dance paws/foot undies may be required for recital. 

Recreational Stage: Bodysuit/tank top or unitard, jazz pants/leggings/shorts(any colour) hair must be tied back, black slip on jazz shoes.  

Recreational Tap: Bodysuit/tank top or unitard, jazz pants/leggings/shorts (any colour), or tights, hair must be tied back, beige tap shoes 4+ years 

Recreational & Competition Hip Hop: Must wear indoor running shoes used for dance only. No jeans. Sweat pants and loose fitting clothing are acceptable. Hair tied back. 

Exam Ballet: Brand name is "Energetiks” style is "Annabelle" in black. Cost for the exam bodysuit is approximately $49.00 to $55.00. Ballet pink tights, or form fitting white t-shirt for boys and black bike shorts, hair in a bun secured with hairpins and a hairnet, short hair off face with headband, pins or elastic. Primary, Standard 1, Grade 1 pink - full sole leather shoes. Grade2/Standard 2 ballet exam levels - pink split sole leather shoes. Grade 3/Standard 3 and higher levels - split sole canvas ballet shoes. You must have shoes that are clean and in good shape for mock exams and exam day. 

Exam Tap classes: Jazz pants/leggings/shorts or tights, black leather tap shoes with laces. 

Competition Jazz/Lyrical/Stage/Contemporary students - NEW POLICY: Starting January 2025 - Black only for bodysuit/tank top, and black only for jazz pants/leggings/shorts, tights optional, hair tied back, slip on black jazz shoes or dance paws/foot undies (senior dancers and above only). By October, the shoes required for each competition class will be posted on the website. Jazz shoes can be used until the competition costume requirements are finalized. 

Competition Tap classes: Bodysuit Jazz pants/leggings/shorts or tights, 11+years black lace up leather shoes. 10-under Cuban heel or beige strapped.



1.  The purpose of this Code is to ensure a safe and positive environment by making everyone aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with the Rise 21 Dance Company’s core values. Rise 21 Dance Company supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and fairness. Being a part of Rise 21 Dance Company is a privilege, not a right. 

Application of this Code

2. This Code applies to Individuals’ conduct during the Rise 21 Dance Company’s  business, activities, and events including, but not limited to training, competitions, practices, tryouts, training camps, travel associated with the Rise 21 Dance Company activities, the Rise 21 Dance company studio environment, any meetings and on social media. 

3.  Any Individual who violates this Code during a competition may be ejected from the competition or dance school. If any of this code of conduct is not followed an immediate 2 week suspension will be put in place with further notice of expulsion from the school will be discussed. Any fees paid up to date to Rise 21 Dance Company will not be refunded. 

4.   An Individual of the Rise 21 Dance Company found to have engaged in acts of violence or harassment against any other dancer at the studio and any Rise 21 Dance Company event, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action subject to the terms of the Rise 21 Dance Company’s policies

5.  This Code also applies to Individuals’ conduct outside of the Rise 21 Dance Company’s  dance , activities, and events when such conduct adversely affects relationships within the Rise 21 Dance Company (and its work and sport environment) and is detrimental to the image and reputation of the Rise 21 Dance Company. Such applicability will be determined by the Rise 21 Dance Company at its sole discretion. 


6..      Individuals have a responsibility to:

a)   Maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of the Rise 21 Dance  Company members and other individuals by

I. Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation

ii.      Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of dancers, teachers, organizers, volunteers, or members

iii.     Consistently demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship, sport leadership, and ethical conduct

b)  Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, Types of behaviour that constitute harassment include, but are not limited to:

i.       Written or verbal abuse, threats, or outbursts

ii.      Persistent unwelcome remarks, jokes, comments, innuendo, or taunts

iv.     Condescending or patronizing behavior which is intended to undermine self-esteem, diminish performance or adversely affect team conditions

This includes, but is not limited to, any activity, no matter how traditional or seemingly benign, that sets apart or alienates any teammate based on class, number of years on the team, or athletic ability.”

c)      Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes dance studio harassment

        i.     Bullying 

ii.    Repeated offensive or intimidating phone calls or emails

iv.  Displaying or circulating offensive pictures, photographs or materials in printed or electronic form

ix.  Words or actions which are known or should reasonably be known to be offensive, embarrassing, humiliating, or demeaning


7.      In addition to section 6 (above), dancers will have additional responsibilities to:

a)  Report any medical problems in a timely fashion

b)   Participate and appear on-time and prepared to participate to their best abilities in all competitions, practices, training sessions, tryouts, tournaments, and events

c)   Properly represent themselves and not attempt to participate in a competition for which they are not eligible by reason of age, classification, or other reason

d)   Adhere to the studio rules and requirements regarding clothing and equipment

e)   Act in a sportsmanlike manner and not display appearances of violence, foul language, or gestures to other dancers, teachers, directors or spectators

f)    Dress to represent the sport and themselves well and with professionalism

g)   Act in accordance with the studio policies and procedures and, when applicable, additional rules as outlined by teachers, office staff or directors

Parents/Guardians and Spectators

8.   In addition to section 6 (above), parents/guardians and spectators at studio events will:

a)   Encourage athletes to compete within the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence

b)   Condemn the use of violence in any form 

c)   Never ridicule a participant for making a mistake during a performance or  practice

d)   Provide positive comments that motivate and encourage participants’ continued effort

e)   Respect the decisions and judgments of adjudicators, and encourage dancers to do the same

f)    Never question an adjudicator or staff member’s judgment or honesty

g)   Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse, coercion, intimidation, and sarcasm 

h)   Respect and show appreciation to all competitors, and to the teachers, directors and other volunteers 

i)    Not harass competitors, teachers, adjudicators, directors, parents/guardians, or other spectators

j) Communicate all and any concern to the directors first. Never go directly to the teacher. 

k) Will not be allowed in any backstage area or studio without permission or communicating with the directors or teachers prior to. 

We ask you to please practice the 24-hour rule. Please write down your concerns/problems, then wait 24 hours before calling or contacting to discuss the situation. 

(This is primarily used in hockey and is a valuable tool to exercise as it gives 24 hours to process the concerns/problems over a small period of time) 

By signing this you(parent or guardian) and student understand Rise 21 Dance Company's Code of Conduct and Ethic policies.